Are your business
communications a bit broken?
Supplier overload
Brand consultants are working on your messaging strategy. A content house is writing thought leadership for your social media. Your PR advisers are working on various media campaigns. And a production agency is creating video for you.
ContinueBut who’s joining everything up?
Soon you’re left with an overworked marketing team. And customers who don’t know what to make of your brand.
Disengaged audiences
Who are your internal and external audiences? Does everyone in your organisation know? And what’s the best way to communicate with them in a clear and compelling way?
ContinueIf this isn’t clear, you might find there’s a disconnect – inside and out.
Are you saying too much but actually, not saying anything at all? Do you confuse, then lose the very prospects and customers you’re trying to attract?
ContinueGreat gains can be made with simplicity and clarity. But if your business comms are convoluted you might not be making any impact at all.
Reactive, not proactive
Have your marketing campaigns become feast or famine? Either it’s all guns blazing or tumbleweed before the next knee-jerk promotion.
ContinueWithout smart thinking to direct your marketing, you’ll eat into budgets and leave your people in a spin.
Uninspiring thought leadership
Thought leadership is a bit of a buzzword. But are you truly saying anything new, influential or galvanising? Are your campaigns just regurgitating what’s already out there?
ContinueChurning out your articles with little strategic thought or planning may well leave your prospects and customers uninspired and disengaged.
Speaking a different language
With so many different comms coming out of your business – from sales to marcomms – does everyone understand what’s going on?
ContinueYour brand’s voice lost in mixed-up messaging Leaving your audiences switched-off to what you’re trying to say. And with little idea of the problem you solve.
Success hard to measure
You’re spending copious time, money and energy on comms. But has it packed the punch you were hoping for? Which bits have resonated with your customers? And what’s been lacklustre?
ContinueWithout measuring the success of your past comms campaigns, it can be hard to determine what to talk about in upcoming ones. Or the best way to say it.